








family room



Sarah and I were running behind today in getting to school to pick up Emily. As I unbuckled her, I said, "We're late, Sarah, we have to scoot!" and Sarah said, "Hop, hop! Bunny!" 10/4

Sarah decides that an elephant is a "ha-ha." 10/4

We went to two parties today! First we stopped at the Duffs' to say happy housewarming and happy birthday to Nigel. Sarah had a piece of birthday cake, but insisted on eating most of it herself, with her own fork. This proved increasingly difficult as the pieces got smaller and the cake reduced to crumbs, but she persisted. Then we went to the DMS grad student potluck at the Rutenbecks' house. Sarah had a wonderful time and was completely unfazed by all the big kids and ALL the grownups. She got to play with one of Anna and Mary's baby dolls, and was thrilled and open-mouthed astonished when the dolls' eyes opened and closed when she picked it up and laid it down. (Yes, she does have a doll at home that does this!) She also really, really wanted to be near Emily the whole time and would call, "Emmmmmy! Are you!" 10/6

Sarah loves to play in the Purple Coyote classroom while I'm dropping Emily off. She thinks she's there for HER class! She was sitting
at the table in front of an apple coloring page when I told her the page was for the big kids and it was time for us to go. She was so sad, Miss Krista said that Sarah could take it home. It got a little wrinkled because Sarah clutched it to her chest the whole way home, saying, "Mine! Mine! Apple!" 10/7

Once again Sarah sat down at the coloring table and started to color while I dropped Em off at school. Then I said, "Okay, Sarah, say 'bye-bye; it's time to go." And she looked up and waved and said "Bye-bye" to ME, clearly hoping I would go and leave her there! 10/9

We read Kipper's A to Z for one of our bedtime books tonight. When we got to the "S" page, Sarah points to one of the big "S"s on the page and says, "Me!" (She's been saying "Emmy!" when she sees an "E" or an "S" for quite some time now.) 10/9

I asked Sarah if she could say 'pumpkin' and she said, 'mup-mee!'10/11

For a couple months now, Sarah and Daddy have had a whole repertoire of kisses: Sarah says, "Eye!" and they do a butterfly kiss with their eyelashes. She says, "No!" and they do an Eskimo kiss with their noses. Then Sarah puckers up and they give each other a big smacking kiss on the lips, then open their mouths wide and say, "AAAHHHHHH!" 10/02

Sarah goes with me to Emily's friends' birthday party. She gets to play in the gym for some of the free time! She especially liked the ball pit (when I put her in it, she said, "Blankie!" so I would cover her up with the balls) and the balance beam, where she put her hands on the railings and walked herself across with no help! She had a short nap before we left, but was very tired when we got home, and after about an hour just put her head on her blankie on the floor, and fell asleep. 10/12

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Miss Jeanine, Emily's old teacher, was at the party with her daughter, Grady. After watching Sarah play, she said to me, "You've GOT to make sure Sarah is in MY morning Purple Coyote class! She's just too cute!" 10/12

Sarah picks up one of her play phones and starts to make a call: she pushes the buttons and says, "Doo, doo, bye, doo, oh!" ["Two, two, five, two, 0!"] 10/12

Daddy turned on the TV to check out the scores in the NHL, and Sarah said, "Hah-key!", a word she picked up apparently by osmosis, since he didn't teach it to her! 10/14

Emily and Sarah played with their color matching peg game before dinner today. Emily would hand Sarah a colored ring, saying, "Where does the blue one go, Sarah?" and Sarah would look and put the blue ring over the blue peg! She matched all the colors with only a couple hints from Em! 10/15

Sarah points to the computer and says, "Backpack!" because she wants to play the "Dora the Explorer" CD!

Two new words on the playground today: "Nunnel" and "nummy," as in, "Sarah went through the nunnel on her nummy this morning." 10/16

If Sarah sees someone without shoes on, she will go and find a pair and bring them over to be put on! She'll say, "Dock! Doooos!" (Socks! Shoes!) and pat at your feet imperiously. 10/02

Sarah has been popping out lots of words lately! They are coming out in ones and twos as she starts to put sentences together. Some of my favorites: "Dank oooo, Mommy!" and "Emmy, sister." and "Me, too!"

Todd invited us to his costume birthday party--everyone had to come dressed as him! We didn't find Sarah's hockey jersey in time, so she wore a little black felt vest I made for her, with a Celtic knot painted on the back. I made orange embroidery-floss beaded goatees for all of us...Sarah wore hers for awhile, then took it off and gave it to Daddy! Bill drank Guinness, but the girls had chocolate-chip cookies instead. 10/19

We practice trick-or-treating but when I asked Sarah if she could say "trick or treat," she shook her head and pointed to Emily! It was clear that she figured Emily could say it for her! 10/26

Sarah was the sweetest flower imaginable for Halloween, and despite the cold had a GREAT time trick-or-treating...once she figured out what was going on! Click here for more Halloween details! 10/31

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