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While we were on vacation, Bill got a call from the dentists' office saying Emily had won the raffle for the singing rabbit--both girls had put their names in separately. Bill showed Em the message, and after she read it she danced around and cheered and then called out, "Sarah! We won the bunny!" 4/1

Em fell off the "ringers" at lunchtime today and was shaken up enough that she lay down in the office and they called me in. I went by school and she really had been rattled--sounds like she landed flat on her back and had the wind knocked out of her. She said when she was laying there it was like everyone was talking in fast forward! Her pupils were fine and she didn't have any sore spots on her ribs or back or head, so I just took her home and gave her some Motrin and we both crawled into the big bed for the afternoon. Of course by 3 she was putting her socks and shoes on so she would be ready to go to soccer practice! 4/8

Zoo today with 1st grade! I got to go along with and for awhile had Emily D, Emily S, and Emily H in my group at the same time. 4/9

On Saturday, we don't have to go anywhere, so the girls get to watch TV in the big bed while Mommy snoozes. Em wants to go get a fruit bar, and I tell her it's okay. She comes back up to the bedroom and reports, "I did a smart thing! There were no more fruit bars in the kitchen, so I looked in the laundry room." That's where we keep our extra boxes! 4/16

"In science, we did an experiment, and we made a predicament." 4/17

Emily admits to being a little nervous about Claire's slumber party! 4/19

Mom and Dad go out for Daddy's birthday and the girls have BOTH Chris and Liz sitting for them! They are thrilled! 4/22


The Purple Coyotes are reading "Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots?"

Sarah reports that her eyes keep working because they don't need batteries. 4/15

I tell the girls I'm looking for a good knock knock joke about books or reading for the bulletin board at work this summer. Sarah makes one up for me:

Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Book who?
Please take me to the library!

As part of the Princess book the PCs are talking about what they want to do when they grow up. When the teachers interviewed Sarah, she said, "I'm really not sure, but I know I want my hair to stick straight up. I'm sure about that." the princess on her bad hair day! 4/19

Mom and Dad go out for Daddy's birthday and the girls have BOTH Chris and Liz sitting for them! They are thrilled! 4/22
